Bring your property up to Ministry of Environment standards
If you have ever tried to redevelop a property that was previously occupied by a gas station, or upgrade a strip mall that once had a dry cleaner on-site, you know what a headache that can be in terms of getting the permits you need. It is an unfortunate reality that developers and property owners have to face when dealing with contaminated land, but the good news is, we can help make the process much less painful.
Our services help you take the necessary steps toward getting permits for rezoning, subdividing or developing a potentially contaminated site. We can recommend the speediest and most affordable course of action for reaching your business goals while remaining compliant with municipal permit requirements. In fact, accelerating the process of obtaining municipal approvals is our specialty.
There are a variety of other Permits & Approvals that we are able to obtain, submit or negotiate on your behalf, such as (but not limited to): water discharge permits, environmental monitoring requirements, Site Profiles, and soil disposal documentation.
NEXT is also a leading provider of Certificates of Compliance (CoCs) for the business community in BC. A CoC confirms that your land has been remediated to provincial standards, and we can help you go through the steps necessary by recommending fast and cost-effective environmental services of the highest quality.
It is also important to note that the Ministry can change its requirements at any time, potentially rendering previously obtained CoCs invalid. If you are unsure of the status of your CoC, we offer third-party review services to ensure validity.